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This are the most frequently asked questions about our services. If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to contact us.
Whitch is the ideal vehicle for me?
The ideal vehicle is what will best meet your needs, during your holidays. The choice depends directly on the people you will have in your company or your family. It also relates to the way you want to move. For example, if you love the sun choose a motorbike. If you prefer more comfort, choose a car and of course, if you are a lover of the sea the boat is the ideal pick for you!
Which car category do i need?
Before selecting your car please consider some practical issues. For example, how many people are travelling with you or how much baggages will you all have, how much money can you get on the move, etc.
Do i need some extra features?
We can provide you whatever you need. You are able to check our extra services/equipment list and select them all together when making your order.
What about the fuel?
Our customers are obliged to return the vehicle with the same amount of fuel as it had
when collected. In the case of returning the vehicle with less fuel, you will be
charged with the fuel difference. No refunds are issued for vehicles returned with more
fuel than when collected.
What about the insurance?
Insurance includes unlimited public liability cover (CDW), fire and therft protection in case accidental fire or theft of vehicle (FTW), third party liability coverage (TP), limited insurance supplement for bumps or scrapes (LIS), full collision damage waiver (SCDW), which means that there is no excess to pay in case of collision damage. Finally, personal accident insurance (PAI), covering both the passengers and the driver.

The insurance does not cover the tyre, wheels, roof, interior, undercarriage and glass parts damage (includes windscreen). Loss or damage to the car key, locks, vehicle documents, and registration plates. We offer optional insurance to cover the above mentioned.
What about the Communication?
  • Check if your mobile phone will work abroad.
  • Remember that you also pay if somebody is calling you abroad.
  • Check the country code to use for calling home.
  • Also remember that in Greece is forbidden to use the mobile phone whilst driving.
Do i need some extra travelling tips?
Yes, why not :)
  • Check the local map at home to decide how far you want to drive and in how much time.
  • If you are sharing the driving, make sure that all the co-drivers are named on the rental agreement and authorized to drive. Make sure that everyone has a valid driving licence and passport.
  • Make frequent stops along the way to your destination.
  • Set a time limit to stop for a meal or a stroll. Break up the journey into maximum 2-hour segments if you are traveling with children.
  • Remember the idea is to enjoy your holiday and relax not get exhausted.